Custom strings

In this section you define how content of any remarks section that is added should be formatted and the information it should contain. Constants is available in the context menu, by adding references to the work item in a remark it is possible to access a work item from the code if more information is needed.

To compensate for the absence of CodeLens features in X++, you can reference work items directly in the <remark> section.

By inserting work item references, you create a bridge between your code and the related tasks or documentation, allowing for easy navigation to additional information if needed.


  • Easy access to additional information
  • Improved documentation
  • Improved traceability
  • Enhances code understanding by providing contextual information directly within the codebase.
  • Fosters better integration between code and project management tools.
  • Aids in maintaining consistency in documentation practices across the development team.

By adding a reference to a work item in the remarks section, you can easily access the work item from the code. This is especially useful when you need to access additional information about a task or documentation.